Committee Charge

Committee Purpose:


             The purpose of the Committee is to review local siting and environmental concerns related to the proposed First Wind commercial wind farm project in Oakfield, and to make a report and recommendations to the Selectmen for appropriate actions with respect to local concerns.


Specific Actions:


            The Committee shall:

            (1)  Receive citizen input from Oakfield residents regarding project-related siting and environmental concerns;

            (2)  Review appropriate portions of First Wind’s application to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection for Site Location of Development Law permit approval;

            (3)  Request and review First Wind responses to local siting and environmental concerns;           (4)  Consult with counsel and any 3rd party review consultant(s) engaged by the Town on particular project-related issues;

            (5)  Make recommendations to the Selectmen concerning possible Town participation in the DEP permit review process;

            (6)  In cooperation with the Planning Board, if deemed necessary by the Committee, prepare a local site review ordinance for possible adoption by the Town meeting.


Time Frame:


            The Committee shall complete its preliminary due diligence and make its report to the Selectmen concerning items 1-5 above no later than July 31, 2009.